Read Diseases That Cause Hair Loss more

Hair Loss

Hair diseases are common in both men and women. The problem is prevalent all over the world. There are several factors responsible for hair loss. The causes of hair loss diseases may vary from person to person.

The factors causing hair loss include genetics, ailment, malnutrition, stress, some medication and hormonal imbalance. One cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalance and it may result in pattern baldness, a major hair disease causing hair loss.

Common hair diseases

The common hair diseases causing hair loss include the following:

Pattern baldness - Also known as pattern hair loss/pattern balding, it is a hair problem common in both males and females across the globe. The medical term for the problem is androgenetic alopecia.

Among men, the disease causes hair loss in a well-defined pattern. It starts above both the temples, and ultimately the hairline recedes to form a characteristic "M" shape. Hair loss is also witnessed at the crown (near the top of the head).

Among the women, the disease causes hair thinning all over the head. However, the hair line does not recede. Total baldness resulting from androgenetic alopecia is rare among women.

The disease is likely to be caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. A particular group of hormones called androgens is related to this problem. Especially a particular androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main cause of this problem. Increase in DHT concentration causes changes in the scalp hair growth dynamics and it results in pattern baldness.

Hypotrichosis - It refers to the condition where there has never been any hair growth. It differs from the situation where there is hair loss in a spot once having hair. In hypotrichosis the affected area is completely bald for the entire life right from birth.

The general causes of hypotrichosis are genetic aberrations or embryonic development defects. The common forms of Hypotrichosis are aplasia cutis congenital, triangular alopecia and congenital atrichia.

Alopecia areata - Alopecia areata is another prominent member of the hair loss diseases. This autoimmune skin disease is highly unpredictable in nature and it affects not only the scalp but also the other hair growing areas of the body. Everybody irrespective of sex and age is vulnerable to this disease.

In alopecia areata the person's own immune system (white blood cells) attacks, mistakenly, the affected hair follicles. It results in end of the hair growth stage. The problem starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp. Then slowly it affects the entire scalp.

The problem is called alopecia totalis when it covers the entire scalp and is called alopecia universalis when it affects the entire body.

Seborrheic dermatitis - It is basically a skin problem. However, it can also cause temporary hair loss. The problem is referred to as 'cradle cup' in infants. But it is only during the puberty that the condition becomes evident.

The problem is generally found among the young people. It is rare in middle age. But it again becomes common among the 50 plus people.

It is more common in men than in women. It is notable that seborrheic dermatitis is unusually high among AIDS patients. The problem is seemingly caused by a genetic component. One disputed cause is the species of Malassezia yeasts. Changes in humidity or seasonal changes also commonly aggravate the disease.

Telogen effluvium (TE) - This abnormal hair loss condition is caused by alteration of normal hair growth cycle. The alteration can be caused by various factors. The disease causes a greater proportion of hairs enter the resting phase of the cycle and hair shedding is more than normal.

The affected person suffers from diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp. Thinning is not uniform. Rather it is more severe in some areas than the others. Usually the hair on top of the scalp thins more than it does at the sides and back. Usually the hair line does not recede, except in a few rare cases of chronic telogen effluvium.

Chronic telogen effluvium affects the other hair bearing areas of the body like eyebrows and pubic hair. Irrespective of the hair loss pattern, telogen efflivium is fully reversible as hair follicles are not permanently affected.

General causes of hair loss include vaccinations, physical trauma, surgery and medicine intake. Hormonal imbalance can also result in this problem. Inadequate diet can also trigger telogen effluvium. For example, a reduced intake of red meat (a key source of iron) is supposed to be a cause of this disease.

Stress also plays a crucial role in stress. In some cases depression and sudden intense anxiety may also cause hair loss.

Maria Karla is a beauty and hair expert. She has got many research papers published on She is also a visiting faculty in several universities. For more information please visit

Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Examine Natural Hair Loss Remedies: Restart Your Hair Growth! far more

Hair Loss Remedies

Is your beautiful head of hair being destroyed by hair fall? Have you tried a better diet and more sleep, with no success?

I completely understand your position and I want to help. What people don't know is that there are natural hair loss remedies that can help your hair stop falling out and even sometimes regrow it but you'll need to follow my instructions closely. This guide should be easy to follow though, as the materials for these natural hair loss remedies should be easy enough to find in your local market.

The first natural hair loss remedy must be done daily. When you mix coconut oil and lime juice (or lime water) it creates a remedy for loss of hair that can be applied daily to your scalp. If you apply it every day, eventually the nutrients in this mixture will help your hair loss condition and give you a better looking head of hair. Try it!

Another remedy is to use coriander leaves. Just juice these leaves, then apply the juice onto your scalp and let it sit. It's pretty much that simple. Needless to say, this juice is a natural hair loss remedy that can be applied daily to your scalp. Try to use this natural hair loss tonic on a consistent basis for the best results, as it will really help!

To make hair grow healthily, try boiling mustard oil with henna leaves. Make sure you get the ratio correct, as this is essential to getting the best effect on your hair growth. You will need around 250 grams of mustard oil, along with 100 grams of henna leaves. If you do this just right, you should get a nice, easily made and natural hair loss mixture that will keep hair growth as healthy as possible.

In order to keep your hair as healthy as possible, try these methods, or any mixture of these methods in order to at least rejuvenate your scalp and regain the hair that you've lost. However, it's very important that I that I tell you that if you are serious about regrowing your hair, you should buy a guide to help. The reason why I recommend this is that most of these guides have step-by-step guides to regrowing hair that can have you hair regrowing as soon as possible. You only have a 4 year grace period before your hair follicles completely die off after they stop producing hair, so it's essential that you do this.

Dave Twinn has done extensive research on the topic of hair loss in order to give you the best possible source of information on this topic. He has a history of using methods on keep hair healthy on himself in order to make sure they are correct and trying to keep his information as accurate as possible.

Natural Hair Loss Remedies: Restart Your Hair Growth!

Hair Loss Remedies

Understand Female Alopecia - Natural Solutions much more

Female Alopecia - Natural Solutions

Female Hair Loss Remedies

It is also true that most women suffer female alopecia due to their imbalance in hormonal changes, stress and anxiety. Although men suffer more when it comes to hair loss women too have their share of losing adverse amount of hair at some period of time in their lifespan. Some women still do not realize that female hair loss is getting to them and that it can be naturally controlled. Even those who are treating their hair loss are doing it using the same methods that men use. You can not treat the female hair lossthe same as male alopecia because there are different reasons why the two sexes experience the hair loss.

Unlike men whose hair loss start from the front part of the head, the female alopecia starts by attacking the sides or the top of the head. For women it is the hormones that play a big portion in the reasons for their hair loss. This can be proved because in most cases you will see a bald woman when she is from a pregnancy, during menopause and extreme duress

However there are practical natural remedies to female alopecia and they include: Scalp massage- This relieves stress on your head and hair hence allowing the natural growth that is uninterrupted. Using the stimulating scalp massage oils the massage will also improve the circulation of the scalp and do away with the dead skins on the scalp. Remember that dead tissues may also clog the skin pores and make hair strands weak and fall out.

Also when washing your hair use shampoo that is creamier and not dry so that you can massage your hair after washing. Shampoos that leave dry hair do make the hair stressful and can easily fall out each time it is in contact with anything. Check your shampoo ingredients and see if it can aid re-growing hair.

You should also avoid wearing your hair up every time. Make sure you give your hair time to be loose and free and not tied all the time. The tying will loosen hair strands and in the end the hair will fall resulting to female hair loss. The other natural remedy to female alopecia is to avoid processing your hair all the time. Processing here means coloring, perming, blow drying or straightening. All those beauty procedures are dangerous to your hair strands and so the intensity should be reduced for one to have a healthy hair.

One should also use healthy shampoos especially those that are supposed to deal with hair complications. There are shampoos that are just meant to strengthen the hair strands and so such should be used by those women who have naturally thin or limp hair to avoid female hair loss.

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Read through Things That Cause Female Hair Loss and Treatment more

Things That Cause Female Hair Loss and Treatment

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Women loves to fix their hair, since for most of them, this is the crowning beauty for them. But, it is a fact that hair loss is one of women's concerns.

There are five factors that cause hair loss and these will increase in numbers in the future.

About 50% of the women experience momentous hair loss at the age of 60. And it is bad and it is getting worst for some of the following reasons:

More women are having their children on the latter years of their life. This inclination is increasing; most of the women are focusing on their career first before having a baby. Sad to say, the delay of having a baby can affect the women's body capability of restoring its normal hormone balance.

When you get older it is more likely to slow down the metabolism of the body or inadequate hormones balance. This problem can be worse due to fluctuation of hormones caused by late pregnancy. At some stage of pregnancy, women's hormones levels increase and this causes hair to grow enormously well. After giving birth there are equivalent decreases in women hormone level. And the reduction of the hormone level may result or start a temporary or lasting hair loss.

One of the causes of hair loss is when a person is stress. It doesn't matter if it is stress due to physical and chemical stress that came from polluted environment, a junk food diet, perfumes and some home products. Emotional stress also can cause hair loss. So whatever what kind of stress involved it can critically disturb hormone balance and an upsetting effect on health. The health of the body is reflected in the health of your hair.

Eating improper foods like junk food or poor nutrition this may causes you to hair loss. Eating a lot of junk food is one way of other people to loose weight and with this hair loss may be the effect of it. Some women are more likely want to try weight loss plan than men. However, if you firmly follow such plan, you may also badly affect hormone production and balance. At as a result of this hair loss would likely be the result of this kind of weight loss plan. Hormone imbalance can distress hair growth.

Menopause is one cause of hair loss, the deliberation of the oestrogen severely deducts. This fall may be big enough to permit testosterone to manifest itself on a female's body. Most of the women go through hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after the menopause. Thousand of women using HRT drugs to replace their oestrogen deficiency. The symptoms of which is hair loss.

You can use herbal remedy in treating hair loss. There are plenty of herbal remedies out there, but you must get the right one. You can get the right one by knowing and gaining all the necessary information about the product. It would be better to go with a reputable company to make sure you'll be getting quality product.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company

Examine Stop Hair Loss - Female Hair Growth Treatments extra

Stop Hair Loss - Female Hair Growth Treatments

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Thinning hair can be devastating for women. It can occur unexpectedly. There a number of different reasons women may lose their hair. Stress, hormones, genes, and overall health can affect a woman's hair. It is important for women to take care of themselves in order to prevent and reverse hair loss. Female issues such as childbirth and menopause can cause the strands to shed excessively. Thyroid disorders are also common reasons women lose their hair. Natural remedies can help stimulate the growth of new hair.

Vitamin Deficiencies
Poor nutrition is one of the leading causes of hair loss. Female treatments to stop the strands from thinning include multi-vitamins and pre-natal vitamins. Taking these supplements can help ensure that women are getting the nutrients their strands need in order to grow. It is also important to eat foods containing the vitamins which strengthen the strands.

Vitamin A keeps the scalp healthy and regulates the production of a natural oil known as sebum. This natural oil stimulates the strands to grow. Vitamin A also prevents dryness and flaking. This vitamin is found in carrots and other orange and red vegetables.

Vitamin B helps the body produce protein which makes the strands stronger and helps them maintain their structure. A lack of vitamin B can cause excessive shedding and can stop the growth cycle of the strands. You can get vitamin B from potatoes, liver, brewer's yeast, eggs, and wheat germ.

Vitamin E stimulates circulation and blood flow to the scalp. A healthy blood flow is crucial in order for the strands to grow since the blood carries vitamins and minerals to the roots to nourish the strands.

Reverse Hair Loss With Female Herbal Treatments
The herb green tea is a proven treatment for hair loss. Female pattern baldness can be minimized by this tea. It contains compounds which reduce the production of a hormone which causes female pattern baldness. Rosemary and nettle root extract can also stimulate hair regrowth.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent. Learn more about choosing an effective hair growth product and preventing baldness.


Study Steroid Treatments For Your Hair Loss Problems extra

Hair loss is a problem that affects both men and women. The causes are varied but the number one reason is genetics. Hair loss, especially male pattern baldness is attributed to hereditary factors. Stress is also a great inducer of hair loss and so is malnutrition.

Medications containing amphetamines and lithium (used to treat bipolar disorder) can also be responsible for hair loss. Constant hairstyling and chemical treatment of your hair can result to brittle hair and eventual hair loss.

Other reasons are diseases such as trichotillomania, which is a psychological disorder compelling the person to nervously pull out his hair. Tinea capititis is a fungal infection that often results to scaling in the scalp and breakage of the hairs even before they grow out of the hair follicle.

Alopecia areata is another reason for hair loss, this is evident by the immediate loss of hair in patches in the scalp as well as the body and it can have a debilitating effect on your scalp. Although the hair follicles are not affected, it can take persons afflicted with this months or years before hair starts to grow.

Doctors recommend a lot of treatments for these diseases and one of the most effective is the use of steroids being injected directly to the scalp. However, they should only be in minimal dosages because there are known harmful side effects from going over the prescribed dose.

More importantly, this treatment is resorted only in cases of severe hair loss, such as in persons who suffer from alopecia areata, or for those who have lost approximately fifty percent of their hair.

Steroid injections are painful and since they can only be injected in small doses, they are required to be injected every four to six weeks. Oral steroids may also be taken, however they may offer a more prominent manifestation of side effects.

Topical steroids which can be massage into the scalp are also available. Steroid injections are also combined with other drugs such as minoxidil and anthralin to help speed up the hair growth process. Some of the side effects would include nausea, vomiting, headaches and scalp irritation.

If you are planning to use steroids to help treat hair loss, please consult your physician first if you qualify for such treatment. The injections would require a physician for administration and should not be experimented or done at home. Steroids are your last resort but you have to be well nourished as well and follow strict personal hygiene for you to have that thick and full hair again.

Hair Loss

More useful information of Hair Loss Treatments, visit

Steroid Treatments For Your Hair Loss Problems

Hair Loss

Read through Hair Loss - What Is Telogen Effluvium? more

Hair Loss

Hair loss takes upon many different forms. One of the most common forms is known as Telogen Effluvium. You may stop and ask: "What is this condition called Telogen Effluvium?". In this condition, there is a widespread shedding of hair around the scalp and other parts of the body.

Telogen Effluvium is caused by many different things. In usual cases, it is due to a reaction to intense stress or medication. Both the physical system and the hormonal system can be under a lot of stress. Stress is never a good thing. We should learn to relax and calm our mind and body.

The condition takes time to develop. In mild cases there is a general thinning of hair. The hair is not as dense and a lot weaker. The condition affects both men and women and it can affect people of all ages. Both young and old can be affected.

Telogen Effluvium lasts for roughly six months. In the rare case, the condition can last for years. If it lasts for years, it is said to be a chronic problem and special help from specialised doctors should be sought out.

Fortunately, in most cases it gets better with time. The problem is closely related to the growth cycles of hair.

Growth cycles of hair alternate between two different phases. The first phase lasts for roughly three years. This first phase is the growth phase and has a special name called anagen. During these three years the hair grows out from the hair follicle.

The second phase lasts for a lot shorter time. This phase is called telogen and it is where the hair is in its resting phase. While the hair is resting, it is waiting for the new hair which is sprouting up under it, to push it out of the hair follicle. Essentially the new hair which is in anagen pushes out the old hair and replaces it.

The life of the hair follicles alternate between the two phases. Old hair is replaced by new. Studies have shown that roughly 15 per cent of the hair on a person's head is telogen. When the body's systems don't function properly, there is a larger amount of hair in telogen.

In conclusion, many people experience the condition called telogen effluvium at least one point in their lives. It is normally at a time when the body is under a lot of stress. Illness can also be the cause.

Learn more about this issue here:

Hair Loss - What Is Telogen Effluvium?

Understand Hair Loss Remedies - Can I Really Grow My Hair Back? additional

The Why's

Some of you may be wondering why you're losing your hair, and unfortunately not everyone is the same. So you might be losing your hair due to stress while someone else maybe losing their hair from genetics. Whatever the reason maybe, one thing is still the same and that is the feeling we get when we start losing our hair. The fact of the matter is that a lot of us feel embarrassed and uncomfortable with hair loss. The things we have to consider is what exactly started the process. So for instance, if you received some distressing news two months earlier, that might be why you have started losing your hair.


Hair loss remedies can help you through this process. As long as you are willing to try new things you will eventually succeed.  Remember that what may work for another may not work for you because like I said before not everyone is the same. So keep that in mind when purchasing a new guide or product. Something else to consider is giving the product or guide you purchased a try for 3 months for you to determine whether the product or guide is actually working.

Final thought

Remember, you will not grow your hair back overnight. This takes time, even for people that have hair. When choosing hair loss remedies try to use common sense. If this Product is simply guaranteeing you things that you know can't be possible try avoiding it. Look for things that have realistic guarantee. The last thing you want is to set your hopes up on something that is just too good to be true. Those being said always keep an opened mind to new ways of growing your hair. If all else fails you may want to consider some procedures. But if you want to grow your hair naturally and safely then hair loss remedies is the way to go.

Hair Loss Remedies

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Hair Loss Remedies - Can I Really Grow My Hair Back?