Read through Hair Loss in Circular Patches: Alopecia Areata additional

Alopecia areata affects one out of every 100 people, causing loss of scalp hair in well-demarcated patches, usually in a circular pattern.

Most doctors feel that alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease caused by a person's immunity that is supposed to be killing gems attacking the hair follicles and causing the hair to fall out. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, vitiligo or white patches on the skin, certain types of thyroid disease, and pernicious anemia. The vast majority of people who get alopecia areata are healthy and do not need blood tests or further medical evaluation.

Since the hair follicles are not damaged, hair loss is never permanent and a short course of any cortisone-type drugs can bring back all of the lost hair. However, immediately after a person stops taking cortisones, the hair starts to fall out again. Since cortisones do not cure the hair loss and they can have serous side effects, most doctors prescribe cortisone pills only when there is a serious need to bring the hair back temporarily. Cortisone injections into the bald spots bring the hair back only temporarily. Another treatment is to apply chemicals that act like poison ivy in causing blisters. When the blisters heal, the hair often returns. Available drugs for baldness such as monoxidil, called Rogaine, and Propecia are not very effective. Aldara may help to treat alopecia areata. Tacrolimus (brand names Protopics and Eladil)were promising treatments but doctors no longer prescribe them because of possible serious side effects. Check with your doctor.

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Hair Loss in Circular Patches: Alopecia Areata

Understand Hair Loss Chemotherapy Remedies For You extra

Finding a remedy for hair loss after receiving chemotherapy treatment may be long term or it may be short term. This depends on how long the chemotherapy treatment you are expecting to combat the cancel cells in your body. It's an unfortunate fact of life that hair loss chemotherapy issues will happen in order to kill the cancer cells that are within you.

This article will go into what preventive measures you can take to lessen the physical and psychological toll that hair loss can bring upon you.

I hate point blank statements that infer that just because you are going through chemotherapy treatments that you will lose your hair. Hair loss does not happen in all cases and is really determined on what the dosage of radiation that you will be getting along with any other prescribed drugs that you have to take. If you do end up losing hair, it can be sudden or it can be slow or it can not happen at all. No matter what, if you are going through chemotherapy and if you do expect to lose your hair you can offset the psychological aspects by expecting it. This will lighten your psyche and now you can prepare for it even though it may not happen.

So if you have not experienced hair loss before your chemotherapy treatment you can rest assured that your hair loss is not genetic. For that you should be glad in knowing that hair loss will be a temporary glitch in your life. Get the cancer cured and your hair will come back. Get that attitude, keep it and you will be normal before you know it.

Here are some preventive measures that you can take in order to lessen the psychological blow of losing your hair because of chemotherapy treatment.

If you find out from your doctor that his analysis reveals that you will definitely lose your hair you can start by altering your hair by having it cut short. Having your hair cut short before you lose it will help you get used to the idea plus show other people that you have accepted short hair in your life.

Wigs...If you truly expect the worst where most of your hair will fall because of the chemotherapy treatment then purchasing a wig is a good idea. The trick here is to purchase the wig before your hair is gone. This will allow the hair stylist to match hair strands and color to your existing hair and best be able to match a more natural wig when the time comes. You might get a break in costs by finding out whether or not your health insurance company will cover the expenses of the wig due to your treatment.

Caps and scarves...Cheap, fast, and easy to use. Most certainly one of the easiest and fastest ways to cover up your head. There are specialized stores that cater to people going through chemotherapy treatment and if you want to go this route then check out your selection. You just might be allured to this option.

This article has meant to be informative and offer you some alternatives to hair loss chemotherapy issues. I encourage you to talk over any decision that you make with your personal physician for the best qualified opinion that you can get. Checking out hair loss forums in this area of interest is also immensely informative into the insights of what other people have tried and posted their results will help you determine the best course of action that you feel comfortable with.

Hair Loss Remedies

Know that it is not too late to regrow your hair. So many people give up the idea of ever having their hair grow back to what it once was. Give yourself a chance now by clicking here.

Hair Loss Chemotherapy Remedies For You

Hair Loss Remedies

Examine Female Hair Loss much more

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Research shows that up to two thirds of women experience hair loss at some stage in their life and this can often be a very stressful time for women and is an integral part of their self image.

The most common causes in women is not related to inherited genes but usually associated with other factors such as pregnancy, stress, chemotherapy, certain diets, thyroid hormone deficiency, some drugs or infections. Unlike men the loss in this case is usually temporary and healthy re-growth can occur over time.

Unlike men, women rarely go bald but may experience significant thinning and reduction of the hair shaft diameter around the forehead and crown of the scalp as they age.

If you are one of the millions of women who suffer from hair loss the most important factor is to understand why you are losing your hair before you seek out a remedy or solution.

Causes of hair loss:

1. Genetics: The most common cause is rooted in your genes also known as androgenetic alopecia, hereditary hair loss can begin any time after puberty, but usually sets in before the age of forty and may accelerate around the time you reach menopause.

2. Pregnancy: A large amount of oestrogen is produced during pregnancy causing the hair follicles to go into their growth phase. Once the birth is over the hormonal balance is restored and the opposite happens with the hair follicles going into a hair loss phase.

3. Alopecia areata: The reasons for this are relatively unknown but research has shown that the cause is thought to be an auto immune disorder where the body mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. What follows is an inflammation of the follicles and surrounding hair structures. This causes the hair follicles to retreat into the deeper layers of skin shutting off an important nutrient supply, the follicles starve and the hair starts shedding followed by a dormant period.

4. Stress: Another common reason for hair loss in women is stress as known as Telogen Effluvium. What happens is that the growing healthy hairs enter the resting (telogen) phase of hair growth. The hairs matrix appears to stop dividing causing the hair to begin falling out. Women in their 40's to 60's will be affected by this.

5. Drugs or Supplements: The most common drug treatment that causes hair loss is Chemotherapy. This kind of medication attacks the hair cells of the matrix causing 90% of the loss from the scalp. Prescription drugs are also known to thin hair out. These can be Blood thinners, high blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. Some dieting supplements can also be causes.

6. Hair pulling: Also known as trichotillomania. Unlike other types or hair loss this is not a medical but more a psychological disorder. There are literally millions of people around the worlds that suffer from this condition. These are mostly adult women that suffer from low self esteem, anxiety, depression or are dissatisfied with their bodies. This condition can be treated with counselling.

Sally Birch is a freelance writer and owner of that provides solutions and advice on the treatment of gray hair and Female Hair loss

Female Hair Loss

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Understand Hair Loss - Vitamin D a lot more

Hair Loss - Vitamin D

Hair Loss

One interesting vitamin that get produced in the skin from direct exposure to the sun figures as another nutrient that helps prevent hair loss. Vitamin D aids in the regulation of calcium metabolism for stronger bones. It is an essential nutrient for growing kids whose calcium requirements for healthy bones can be significant in their growing years.

Most of our vitamin D requirement is produced by the skin when exposed to the sun. Some foods do contain the vitamin like cod liver oil, salmon, cereals and dairy products.

1. Vitamin D in baldness

No scientific studies have yet to show any direct relationship between hair growth and vitamin D. But observations suggest that a deficiency in it results in rickets which can lead to baldness. In addition, lab studies with mice deprived of vitamin D result in complete body hair loss.

Some experts believe that a deficiency in the vitamin when coupled with deficiencies in the fatty acids that convert cholesterol into useful "good" cholesterol, baldness can occur. While lack of vitamin D has not be proven to result in hair loss, having the right levels can help maintain normal hair growth which is what is needed to neutralize excessive hair loss.

2. Vitamin D Risks

Vitamin D is another fat-soluble vitamin that is not easily excreted by the body when there's too much of it. It is fat-soluble and gets stored together with excess fat and is known to exhibit toxicity levels that can harm the health of adults. Weight loss can result and even hair loss. Vitamin D over production can get phosphate and excess calcium deposited in some organs like the kidneys and other soft tissues that can result in calcinosis.

It is rare that a person gets to overdose on vitamin D unless he eats a lot of cod liver oil. Even over exposure to the sun doesn't result in vitamin overproduction in the skin since the skin's melanin content regulates vitamin D production.

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Examine Hair Loss in Women - What to Do much more

Hair Loss in Women - What to Do

Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a very alarming experience for anyone, man or woman; but for women the issue can be even more traumatic as there is constant pressure on women to maintain perfect hair all the time. Women are constantly bombarded with images of the newest hairstyles and hair care products promising perfect locks.

Beautiful hair has always been considered one of the most important hallmarks of an attractive woman.

While loss of hair in women occurs less frequently than in their male counterparts, it does occur and there are many reasons for it occurring in women, so a proper diagnosis must be reached before treatment can begin.

Post Pregnancy: One of the most common causes of hair loss women experience is after they've given birth to a baby. This is caused by hormonal changes during this time and usually corrects itself.

Hormonal Imbalances: Overactive or underactive thyroid glands can cause hair to fall out. This is usually addressed by treating the thyroid and this usually puts an end to the symptoms. Other forms of hormonal imbalances that cause hair loss are if a woman has an imbalance of male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens). Hormone treatment is available to alleviate this problem.

Medications: Some medications such as blood thinners, gout medicine, heart and high blood pressure medication can cause hair loss. Antidepressants and birth control pills have been known to cause it too.

Fungal Infections: Fungal infections of the scalp can result in hair loss and can be easily remedied by antifungal treatments.

Cosmetic Reasons: Hair styles that involve pulling such as pigtails and tight braids can cause a form of hair loss commonly known as traction alopecia. Perms and hot oil treatments can also result in losing hair.

Common Baldness: Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this type of baldness is more common in men than in women but can occur in women. It is usually an inherited condition. In men it usually results in a receding hairline and baldness at the top of the head, in women thinning of the hair over the entire scalp is common.

Treatments are available for most forms of female hair loss but as mentioned before a proper diagnosis must be reached in order to determine which course to take. When a treatment isn't available then options such as wigs, hair weaves, hairpieces and hair replacement may be considered.

Kenny likes to write on a number of subjects and has been doing so for a number of years. His most up-to-date internet site is which provides folks with information on purchasing Power Wheels parts.

Examine Hair Loss - Is Rogaine the Best Hair Growth Product? a lot more

Hair Loss

It seems strange to think that a drug originally developed to lower blood pressure could be used to treat hair loss. But that is exactly what happened to Rogaine, one of two drugs approved by the FDA to treat this condition - users of minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, were increasingly experiencing hair growth as a result of using their blood pressure medication. And so a new hair growth product was born.

Rogaine is a alcohol-based liquid solution that is applied directly to the scalp twice a day. Researchers are not completely sure how it works but there is some consensus that it promotes blood flow on the scalp and homes in on the hair follicles that have started to diminish. In particular it targets the potassium channels within the follicle, opening them up so they become enlarged, re-igniting the hair growth phase and helping to ensure this phase remains for as long as possible.

Currently two forms of Rogaine exist according to their strength - the first type is 2% and the extra strength version is 5%. Clearly the more potent solution achieves greater success quicker, but the fact that two versions are available gives users with more sensitive skin the chance to use a lower dose. That said, the lower dose has only been reported to have a success rate of up to 40%, with the extra strength dose reaching a more acceptable 60%. For both products, maximum success can only be achieved by applying the lotion twice a day religiously. If you stop using the lotion, you actually lose any hair that you may have gained.

Its a popular hair growth product but does it really work?

Whilst Rogaine brings some benefits to grow hair fast, it should be noted that it is not an all out baldness cure. In fact, it may be more suitable to label it as a means to delay hair loss rather than cure it. Furthermore its success is limited to cases of thinning hair and not areas of complete baldness. The most effective areas reported have been the crown area rather than the frontal hairline and relates to women. It is not known why women have found more success with this drug than men. As noted above, you must apply the lotion twice a day and cannot discontinue the treatment.

Hair loss products tend to be well tolerated by most. Does Rogaine have any significant side effects?

There are minor side effects but this is normally limited to scalp irritation, dandruff and itching. Do not be alarmed be increased hair loss at the beginning - this should merely be a sign that the solution is working as it should.

As a word of caution. more significant side effects have been noted however. These include facial hair (typically concerning those with high blood pressure), dizziness due to the high alcohol levels but this is really limited to cases of excessive use.

There are those that claim that optimal health should and can be achieved by taking a good quality antioxidant and complementing this with a multivitamin. When taking a powerful drug like Rogaine, this is indeed more reason than ever to adopt this approach, to help protect our body's cells.

As with any drug, we are all different. It is wise to note that Rogaine is an FDA approved drug, with many people electing to try it in the hope they will at least halt their hair loss for the time being. It is no wonder cure, but worth weighing up on your quest to grow hair fast.

For further information about Natural wellness please visit our site.

Hair Loss - Is Rogaine the Best Hair Growth Product?

Hair Loss

Study Hair Loss Remedies For Women much more

The remedies for hair loss in women are somewhat similar to those of men. In the past, certain treatments for thinning hair have contained ingredients that could possibly alter the physiology of women causing a multitude of problems. However, today many of the same products that men have been using for years now have special formulations tailored specifically to women. This article will discuss these hair loss remedies for women.

There are three main phases of hair loss women need to concentrate on:

1. Stopping or slowing thinning hair:

Of course stopping your hair loss is the primary concern. Re-growing and maintenance are useless if your hair is falling out faster than you can grow it. Two products, Propecia and Rogaine are the two main products most women can use to stop or slow their hair loss.

2. Re-growing new hair:

Once your thinning hair is under control, it's time to concentrate on re-growing new hair. Re-growing hair is a slow process. Don't expect instantaneous results. For most women, it's going to take several months before you notice any new hair growing in. Don't get discouraged! It takes time to re-grow hair. Again, Propecia and Rogaine, in addition to helping stop the loss of hair, also help to promote the re-growth of hair as well.

3. Maintaining your hair:

Maintaining your hair properly is often one of the most overlooked aspects when dealing with a hair loss issue. Most women will continue to use the same methods they've used all of their life when fixing their hair but when dealing with hair loss, a woman should take greater care when brushing, combing, or washing their hair. Nisim shampoo should be used to help stimulate healthy hair growth. It also helps to neutralize the dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, on the surface of the scalp thus eliminating one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Proper diet and nutrition also play a part in the hair maintenance process for women. Provillus is an FDA-approved, all natural hair loss supplement that's made to block DHT, one of the main causes of hair loss.

Fortunately there are many products out there that can help you. Unfortunately, there is no single hair loss remedy for women that will help you in all three phases so you're stuck having to use multiple products, usually one for each phase.

These hair loss treatments work for most women but there is no one cure for everyone. While Propecia may work for most women, others may have more success using Rogaine or vise versa. The same holds true for any of the hair loss remedies I have discussed in this article. Just remember, its going to take time! No matter which treatment methods you choose don't expect to see results within a few days. Pick your products and stay with them for at least six months before making a decision on what's working and what's not working. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results!

Female Hair Loss Remedies

For more hair loss remedies for women [] or to find out more about the causes of hair loss in women [] you can visit

Hair Loss Remedies For Women

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Study Hair Loss Remedies - Simple Ayurvedic Treatments more

Hair loss is one of the most embarrassing problem facing most men and women in the world today. It is a common notion that hair loss occurs normally with advancing age, and nothing can be done about that. But that is a wrong belief. There are several effective ways in which hair loss and other hair related problems can be nipped in the bud. The following are some of the most effective home remedies in which this can be achieved.

Treatment with Simple Home Remedies

Remedy # 1

This remedy works if your hair are continuously breaking off and falling. Extract the juice of a single lemon. Finely grind the powder of the root of a banyan tree and mix thoroughly in the lemon juice. Wash your hair with this solution. When done, dry your hair with a drier and then apply more than the normal amount of coconut oil on the scalp. Do this regularly. Within a few days you will find the quality of your hair improving.

Remedy # 2

Prepare the fine powder of the amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) and soak it in water. Keep this overnight. In the morning, squash the powder in the water and let it exude thoroughly into the water. You will get a mild pasty consistency. Then squeeze the juice of a lemon or two. Use this vitamin C rich solution to wash your hair. The solution will foam. Work your hands into the roots of the hair till the foam is profuse. After fifteen minutes of this treatment, you can wash it off. This kind of treatment will not only treat hair loss, but it will also make the hair blacker, denser, longer and softer. A month of this treatment on a daily basis will show you the positive results.

Remedy # 3

Boil some udad daal (lentils) in water. When boiled enough, let them cool. Then mash the daal and apply it vigorously on the hair, working at the roots. This treatment provides proteins to your hair, which is very necessary for their proper growth. Within a few days of this continuous treatment, your hair loss problems will begin to dwindle.

Remedy # 4

This treatment works for alopecia, i.e. baldness or thinness of hair. Take a dry ripe amalaki fruit and grind it to a powder. Put this powder in coconut oil or chameli (Jasminum grandiflorum, Spanish Jasmine) oil. Use this oil to massage the scalp. Then put this solution in water and wash the hair thoroughly. Continue this for a month to observe benefits. You must also chew on the dry amalaki fruit several times a day.

Remedy # 5

If your hair is thinning out, then the following remedy can help. Prepare a mixture of the powders of the seeds, leaves and peel of a pomegranate. Add this to mustard oil. Keep it on a flame. The powders will begin to get cooked. When the powders seem cooked enough, then strain the oil through a cloth and collect the filtrate in a bottle. Cork this bottle. Apply this oil twice or thrice on the scalp in a day. Within a few days, hair loss will stop and new hair will begin growing.

Remedy # 6

Grind some green coriander and extract the juices from it. Use these juices to massage onto the scalp. This will make your hair soft and black and stop hair loss. This remedy is simple but it is so effective that it can even make hair grow back on the scalp. Hence it is looked upon as a treatment for alopecia.

Remedy # 7

This is not a specific remedy, but it is a general method to care for your hair to stop hair loss in the future. Collect one tablespoon of powder of shikakai (Acacia concinna, acacia) and ritha (Sapindus mukorossi, soapnut). Add this powder to half pint of water and boil it. When the boiling has taken place properly, then cool it, strain it, and use the filtrate as you would use a regular shampoo. This is the best natural shampoo in the world, and perhaps the world's oldest pH balanced shampoo. Daily using this shampoo will keep all hair loss problems at bay.

Treatment with Special Ayurvedic Methods

Bhringaraja is the drug of choice for hair problems. It is either taken orally or is used for massaging the scalp on a daily basis in the form of Maha Bhringaraja taila or Nilibhringadi taila. The general mode of using it is to massage on the scalp thoroughly and then to have a bath one hour later. But it must be remembered that Bhringaraja will first remove the weak hair from the scalp. Hence it may appear that the hair is thinning more in the beginning. This is temporary though; the new hair that will grow will be healthier and stronger.

Hair loss (and in fact, all problems relating to hair) are kapha problems. They happen when the kapha dosha is vitiated. Hence, kapha must not be allowed to accumulate in the body. This happens when there is a common cold. For this reason, common colds must be treated quickly. The same can be said about sinusitis.

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Read more about Hair Loss Remedy. Also find Home Remedies at - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies

Hair Loss Remedies - Simple Ayurvedic Treatments

Understand Herbal Hair Loss Remedies to Reverse Thinning Hair much more

Hair Loss Remedies

Herbal hair loss remedies can be viable option to stop your hair from thinning. Herbs can be a nice alternative to use if you are not interested in using medicated treatments in an effort to regrow hair. Herbal thinning hair treatments are very simple to use and they will not cost you much money.

Find Out Why You are Losing Hair
Before you begin researching which herbal hair loss remedies to use, you must first find out the cause of your thinning hair. This can make it much easier for you to uncover which remedy will work best for you.

If you find out that you have an underlying medical condition which is causing your loss of hair, treating that condition may be all you need to do in order to get your hair to start growing back. An example of this may be stress related conditions which can cause thinning hair. If this is why your hair is falling out, you can reverse your hair fall by finding positive ways of managing your stress, such as yoga or exercise.

If you are losing your hair because of male or female pattern baldness, you will need herbal hair loss remedies which aim to lower levels of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT along with an enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase latches onto the follicles, killing the follicles and causing the hair to fall out.

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies for Male and Female Pattern Baldness
Nettle root extract can help stop hair from thinning because it reduces the production of DHT. Pumpkin seed prevents 5-alpha-reductase from converting testosterone into DHT. This process helps stop hair from falling out. Saw palmetto and rosemary are also effective herbal hair loss remedies for male and female pattern baldness.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent. Learn more about choosing effective hair loss treatments and preventing baldness.


Herbal Hair Loss Remedies to Reverse Thinning Hair

Hair Loss Remedies

Examine Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up much more

If you are beginning to lose your hair, while looking for a solution, you may feel too embarrassed to go out and socialize. Even a short trip to the neighbourhood store may make you feel uncomfortable as you fear what others may say about your appearance. Using cosmetic solutions for good cover up of your thinning scalp can help you still get up and go.

The first way in which you can still look presentable is through hair loss concealers. There are a variety of these that are easily available. One common hair loss concealer helps in building fibers. These are tiny fibers that are placed in the area where the scalp area is losing hair. You get the appearance of thicker looking hair in those particular areas. You can also use a masking lotion, hair thickener or hair fattener in order to give your hair more volume and look thicker throughout the day.

Another consideration that you can "cover up" is to simply change your hairstyle. Your hairs are built to naturally turn and grow in a particular way. If you are losing hair in one area, choose a style that can help you cover the scalp area. Having an excellent beautician or hair stylist will help in determining which style can help you achieve this.

Different types of shampoo are also available that will help you get the effect that you want. For instance, one type of shampoo can enhance volume of your hair and will provide your scalp with extra nutrients in order to stimulate growth. This essentially boosts the appearance of your remaining hair while speeding up the growth of new hair.

For cosmetics that will help you to improve your appearance to cover up your hair loss, please ensure that the ingredients in them are proven to help and that they do not have any negative side effects. Having an idea of ingredients that help in hair growth or prevent hair loss definitely helps. Another way of doing research is to read product reviews for effectiveness.

Cosmetics for hair loss is highly recommended if you are conscious about your hair loss and having feelings of negativity about the way you look. Do explore the options of cosmetic solutions as this can well mean getting rid of your depression and getting a life, while waiting for your new hair to grow!

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Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up

Examine Thinning Hair Remedies For Hair Loss Prevention far more

The fact that you are reading this article on thinning hair remedies means that you are looking for viable solutions to stop your falling hair. You are not alone. There are thousands of people who are affected by this problem throughout the world and it is for this reason that there seems to be countless solutions that can help you with this problem.

These range from pills, creams, lotions, shampoos, herbs and a whole lot of other things. The sad fact however is the fact that some of these solutions do not work.

A head full of hair in our society tells a story of someone who is healthy, beautiful and full of life, whereas someone who is losing their hair tells a story of old age and losing their youth. This can be very frustrating for someone to watch their hair falling off day after day, knowing that society is judging them based on that fact.

The reasons for your weight loss may range from stress to your diet to genetics. The good news is that there is something you can do to slow down the rate at which you are losing your hair.

Here are two tips:

> Avoid stress like the plague, as it has been shown to affect the body in very negative ways, and increases hair loss. Include exercise in your weekly activities and this will reduce your stress and anxiety levels.

> Your diet is also connected to the health of your hair. Make sure you eat foods that nourish your hair such as salmon, dark green vegetables and beans.

Remember it is natural for hair loss to occur, it s only a concern if the hair loss is excessive to the point of one losing over 100 hair follicle a day.

Hair Loss Remedies

If you are concerned about your hair, do something about it. For Thinning Hair Remedies, Click Here.

Thinning Hair Remedies For Hair Loss Prevention

Hair Loss Remedies

Examine Natural Hair Loss Remedies - Tips For Finding the Best Remedies For Hair Loss much more

Natural Hair Loss Remedies - Tips For Finding the Best Remedies For Hair Loss

Hair Loss Remedies

Natural hair loss remedies seem to be the go-to treatment when it comes to fighting pattern baldness. But how can you tell when a treatment actually has the possibility of working? This article will give you some tips for finding the best natural hair loss remedies.

If you take action and start using certain treatments in the beginning phases of alopecia, then the best ones to use are natural hair loss remedies. Unlike most surgical procedures, they are not overly-expensive and painful, there's no risk of infection, and no one really has to know that you are doing anything to hide or stop your hair-loss.

So how can you tell if a certain treatment is actually worth trying?

The first thing you should learn to do is distinguish between cosmetic products and medical products. Cosmetic products are ones that just make alopecia seem less noticeable or severe. Shampoos, gels, and sprays are all considered cosmetic- they do nothing to actually SOLVE the problem. Medical products are ones that are specially-formulated to either stimulate something or inhibit something from happening. These are the ones you want to be using.

The best thing you could possibly do to assure that you get a quality natural hair loss remedy is to evaluate the ingredients it contains. It's all about the reasoning behind the ingredients and what they can do for you that is important.

For example, it would be smart to look for certain natural ingredients that can aid in alopecia prevention. Deficiencies in certain vitamins like vitamin B6 and biotin and essential minerals like magnesium and zinc can actually speed up the rate at which you loose your hair. Natural hair loss remedies with these ingredients would be a good thing to try.

You should also make sure that the treatment you end up choosing contains an FDA-approved ingredient to stop hair-loss. This body of experts has spend ample amounts of time and money testing and evaluating multiple treatment options. If they approve of something, then it's most likely a safe bet.

Now that you know all of this, don't put it all to waste. NOW is the best time to do something about your hair-loss condition. The longer you wait, the less viable options you will have at your disposal.

You can learn all about the FDA-approved ingredient I've found to be the safest and most promising option for fighting hair loss and the natural hair loss remedies [] that contain it by visiting my website listed below.

Matthew McAuthor is a researcher and firm advocate of natural hair regrowth and hair-loss treatment solutions. Visit his website to learn all about the ingredients he has found to be effective at reversing alopecia and stimulating hair growth once again. ---> Go to []

Go through Natural Hair Loss Remedies much more

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Fact: There is no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss. However, some methods that have been used work on some people. Here are some suggestions for natural remedies to hair loss. Massage Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth in minor cases of temporary hair loss. There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. Aromatherapy A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp. Saw Palmetto Extract There is a definite connection between the prostate and hair loss for men. Saw Palmetto has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen and shows promise as an effective treatment for hair loss prevention. More information on Saw Palmetto for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Women on oral contraceptives or hormone therapy should not take Saw Palmetto. Nettle Root Extract Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, several key minerals and lipids that can be beneficial to the hair. Nettle Root Extract has been used successfully in Europe as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase in treating BPH. Rosemary and Sage Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. Boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily. Jojoba Oil If you are predisposed to seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, or dandruff, you could consider using jojoba oil. Mexicans and southwestern Native American nations have used jojoba oil traditionally for centuries to promote hair growth and the control of dandruff. Jojoba oil is great for hypoallergenic skin because it is a great moisturizer and mimics the scalp's own sebum. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has been used by Native Americans, Indians and many in the Caribbean to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Aloe's can help the scalp by healing it and balancing the pH level of the scalp while cleansing the pores. A common preparation of Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is used as a shampoo and has traditionally shown great benefit. Henna Henna is a traditional Indian herb that acts as a natural conditioner and is excellent for the maintenance of healthy hair. It can help heal the hair shaft by repairing and sealing the cuticle, protecting hair against breakage and loss of shine. Polysorbate-80 Polysorbate-80 is an FDA approved surfactant that is also approved as a food additive. Although not proven, Polysorbate-80 is said to remove deposits of DHT and cholesterol from the scalp. Polysorbate-80 is being recommended by some naturopathic practitioners as an application for the scalp approximately 15 minutes prior to shampooing. Cleansing and Detoxification Cleansing should be a major part of your regimen to maintain and grow hair. Many scalp related diseases are directly the result of toxemia, while toxins in the body adversely affecting the body's systems indirectly affect other conditions. Cleansing can be performed through oral means regularly and occasionally by enema or colonic irrigation. More remedies for detoxification Psyllium husk Fiber is vital to cleansing, and most North American diets are deficient in natural fiber. Psyllium husk is a bulking laxative agent that can be used to safely move waste through the colon. Psyllium is a very good substance as it gently scrubs the walls of the colon to remove waste that is stuck to the walls.

Exercise Finally, although exercise does absolutely nothing directly to grow hair, most holistic practitioners recommend it. Exercising can improve blood flow, the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body, and help the digestion of foods, all things that aid the health of hair follicles. Disclaimer: The advice here is not presented from a medical practitioner. Any and all dietary and medical planning should be made under the guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. This information does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.


Copyright 2005 Priya Shah


Priya Shah is the Editor of The Glutathione Report, a newsletter featuring regular updates on the health benefits of glutathione. For a comprehensive report on hair loss, see Hair Loss Prevention Secrets. ____________________________________________

Natural Hair Loss Remedies

Examine Natural Remedies For Hair Loss extra

Natural Remedies For Hair Loss

Hair Loss Remedies

Hair Loss Remedies

Natural remedies for hair loss do not cause harm and generally have no side-effects. If some of the natural remedies work on some it does not on the others. Here are some tried and tested natural remedies to overcome hair loss. These remedies are great in the sense that they have been tested already. You have the results before you to decide which of the remedy you want to use. Remedies for hair loss are both of natural type and others. The natural remedies are better as you do not need to worry about the side effects in this case. Due to this reason a lot of people prefer using the natural remedy for this purpose.

A good hair massage stimulates blood circulation to hair follicles and activates hair growth.

Boil rosemary, peach leaf, burdock, sage and nettle in water. Strain the liquid and use this to wash hair daily.

South American nations have been using Jojoba oil for centuries to boost hair growth. Jojoba hair controls dandruff and is a great moisturizer and conditions the scalp.

The paste of the shoe flower when rubbed on the scalp before bath controls hair fall.

Aloe Vera promotes lustrous hair and prevents hair fall. It helps in balancing the PH level, cleans the pores and shows great benefits.

Another natural remedy for hair loss is the use of henna, the traditional Indian herb plant. It is an excellent natural conditioner, perpetuates healthy hair. It shields the hair cuticles and prevents breakage. Henna is available in powder form too.

Maintaining healthy and regular eating habits also curbs hair loss. Including sprouts, leafy vegetables, curds, Soya, walnuts, sardines in out diet prevents hair fall and provides vigour to hair. Drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

Massage your scalp with a mixture of castor oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Prolong use of castor revitalizes the hair.

Boil grated white pumpkin with coconut oil till all the water gets absorbed. Store its pulp and massage it into the scalp every 2-3 days. The lanolin present in pumpkin makes the hair lustrous.

Garlic gas properties to improve blood flow to the follicles. 4-5 pods of crushed garlic should be rubbed in to the scalp to prevent hair loss. Another natural remedy for hair loss is to apply paste of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before bath on the scalp and keep it for approximately 15 minutes and then wash. These are few of the natural remedies that you can use in case your hair is falling. These remedies will help you in getting rid of the unwanted hair loss. These are tested remedies thus you can trust these.

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about natural remedies for hair loss [] visit Curbing Hair Loss [] for current articles and discussions.

Study Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work much more

Hair Loss Remedies

Let's face it over the last 4000 years where the battle against balding has been chronicled hair loss home remedies have been the treatment of choice. Every culture seems to have its own idea as what will really makes the balding stop and regrow those long lost follicles. Among the more unusual ideas I have run across lately are placing raw mango pulp in some oil for a year and then apply to the scalp. The part about holding your nose was conveniently left out. And what about this romance busting treatment that suggest scrubbing the bald portion of your scalp with an onion until it becomes red and then applying honey. I suspect the favorite for those desperately needing a day off from work.

While the above hair loss home remedies have apparently worked for at least one person who obviously didn't have much of a social life to start with, there are other hair loss home remedies which are more main stream and backed by supporting research. Let's explore a few of these.

*Saw Palmetto: At least for me saw palmetto has shown some marginal results in halting the natural balding process. While research has yet to determine exactly how it works it is widely believed that it blocks the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is primary androgen hormone driving androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness). My experience is that after about 3 months a difference in the way your hair feels and looks will become fairly obvious. I have also found that by combining a topical formula designed to stimulate growth with saw palmetto it seems to magnify the benefits.

*Nettle Root Extract: Saw palmetto is not suggested for men thus many hair loss home remedies for women include nettle root extract instead. This herb has been used in Europe for years and many naturopaths believe it to be more effective in blocking DHT than saw palmetto. It is also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and beneficial lipids that are useful in achieving hair health.

*Aloe Vera Extract: Aloe is well known for its healing abilities but most don't know that it has been used for hundreds of years to prevent balding and encourage healthy hair growth. It seems to be particularly helpful where scalp injuries such as burns are concerned. It also seems to be useful in instances where scalp pH is in question. 

*Pumpkin Seed Oil: So you thought that Halloween pumpkin was worthless once the celebration was over! While there is no firm evidence to suggest pumpkin seed oil promotes hair regrowth there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that is an excellent hair conditioner and may stimulate growth.

*Jojoba Oil: A number of shampoos now contain this obscure sounding oil but did you known that American Indians in the southwestern United States used jojoba oil as a hair loss home remedy over 200 years ago. It is particularly useful in cases of hypoallergenic skin because of its moisturizing and hypoallergenic qualities.

In summary, we have tried to give you the hair loss home remedies that are relatively main stream while staying away from the bizarre. While each ingredient above may produce results on their own often times the best results are seen when they are used in combination. There are currently a handful of affordable hair regrowth products on the market which contain most or all of the above listed home remedies for hair loss that could be worth investigating.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work

Hair Loss Remedies

Study Hair Loss Prevention Remedies for Men more

Hair Loss Remedies

Men's hair loss, without a doubt can be disturbing. Most men feel this is akin to losing their own youthful nature and some of their personal vitality. For some men, removing all of their hair is preferable to losing some of it. The bottom line is that you have options to explore when it comes to dealing with loss of hair. Handling such condition is a personal process but it can be easier when you use one of these strategies to help you through.

Fairly recent discoveries have shown that stress can affect us in many ways, so the idea that hair loss can be caused by stress isn't new. Often this will occur when somebody goes through a period of stress due to an event, like losing a family member or losing one's job. Very often, people in such situations will see their hair rapidly turn gray, and in some cases hair will start falling out. When a traumatic event has occurred you'll maybe need counseling of some sort, but your hair loss might be reversible if you can lower your stress levels in the long run. Everyday stress can be a factor for most people when it comes to them losing hair, however this tends to not be the only factor.

Numerous chemicals on the head could be reinforcing loss of hair. Although a woman often buys expensive hair paraphernalia, men don't even know half the time what they place on their heads each day. A damaging effect on your hair could be if you are utilizing products that are filled with strong chemicals, such as hair mousse, shampoos or conditioners or hair colors that diminish the gray. When you go to a salon they could also be using those types of goods for your hair care. Making use of nothing other than a mild conditioner and cleanser is one thought process. If your hair is reacting badly to a certain chemical, switching to something more natural could help stop your hair loss.

Androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness is the condition with which most men from their youth to middle age who are losing hair suffer from. This condition is one that can be inherited from both sides of the family tree. The end result is production of a hormone, DHT, which leads to hair loss. Natural remedies have proven quite useful in addressing this particular problem. One of these is a plant called Saw Palmetto, which is also good for men to take for another reason, it helps keep the prostate healthy. This supplement is easy to find in health food stores and offers no known side effects. It's a natural DHT inhibitor, so it can be effective at reversing hair loss.

Oddly enough, simple things like brushing your hair or massaging your hair can work to stimulate the growth of new hair. Try using lavender essential oils when doing this as they are known to enhance the overall effect. As little as three minutes a day can make a world of difference in your hair growth efforts. You should brush your hair frequently but avoid being harsh. Some new growth is often the result of this as well as healthier hair in general but it will not cure male pattern baldness by any means.

Take the time to understand potential side effects of the medications you're taking. There are very few drugs on the market today that don't have some sort of side effect to keep in mind. Most medicine packaging offers some sort of warning or information about possible side effects.

You should try some of these hair loss remedies that we've looked at as they might just help you. Consulting your doctor may be advisable in some cases as the cause of hair loss can differ greatly. However in most cases there are a few ways of dealing with hair loss, whether it's reversing it or simply making it easier to deal with.

Just remember that you should never simply start taking a medication without first talking to your doctor. Medication isn't public enemy number one when it comes to hair loss but it can definitely be a contributing factor. All treatments do not work the same for all men because the reasons for hair loss are numerous. A man who is younger and is going bald, for instance, in all likelihood won't be aided with nutritional supplements because he probably inherited this. In such cases, a hair transplant might be the only solution. For others, however, a less drastic treatment might stimulate new hair growth.

This article has offered plenty of practical advice for addressing your hair loss needs. If you have any concerns that it could be caused by a medical condition, it's best to see a doctor to at least rule this out. Changing your diet and taking supplements such as Saw Palmetto hair loss and biotin hair growth supplements can go a long way towards eliminating your hair loss problems. Save the costlier treatments like hair transplants and laser therapy until you've given the less expensive treatments a chance to work first. The problem isn't finding an effective treatment for hair loss; it's finding the most effective treatment for your particular type of hair loss.

Hair Loss Prevention Remedies for Men

Go through Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up a lot more

If you are beginning to lose your hair, while looking for a solution, you may feel too embarrassed to go out and socialize. Even a short trip to the neighbourhood store may make you feel uncomfortable as you fear what others may say about your appearance. Using cosmetic solutions for good cover up of your thinning scalp can help you still get up and go.

The first way in which you can still look presentable is through hair loss concealers. There are a variety of these that are easily available. One common hair loss concealer helps in building fibers. These are tiny fibers that are placed in the area where the scalp area is losing hair. You get the appearance of thicker looking hair in those particular areas. You can also use a masking lotion, hair thickener or hair fattener in order to give your hair more volume and look thicker throughout the day.

Another consideration that you can "cover up" is to simply change your hairstyle. Your hairs are built to naturally turn and grow in a particular way. If you are losing hair in one area, choose a style that can help you cover the scalp area. Having an excellent beautician or hair stylist will help in determining which style can help you achieve this.

Different types of shampoo are also available that will help you get the effect that you want. For instance, one type of shampoo can enhance volume of your hair and will provide your scalp with extra nutrients in order to stimulate growth. This essentially boosts the appearance of your remaining hair while speeding up the growth of new hair.

For cosmetics that will help you to improve your appearance to cover up your hair loss, please ensure that the ingredients in them are proven to help and that they do not have any negative side effects. Having an idea of ingredients that help in hair growth or prevent hair loss definitely helps. Another way of doing research is to read product reviews for effectiveness.

Cosmetics for hair loss is highly recommended if you are conscious about your hair loss and having feelings of negativity about the way you look. Do explore the options of cosmetic solutions as this can well mean getting rid of your depression and getting a life, while waiting for your new hair to grow!

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Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up

Study Solutions For Child Hair Loss - Fast Acting Remedies far more

Child hair loss has negative psychological impact on the child's growth and development. If there is a stage that you would not want to expose your child to ridicule, then it is the school going age. One source of ridicule is a smooth scalp caused by either physical trauma or biological deficiencies. Unfortunately, when the children have to attend public schools, the choices of preventing the ridicule associated with loss of hair are limited.

Lucky for such as parent, you can be able to reverse the bald head by some remedies that would see you have results fast. Most of these may not be dependent on the cause of the baldheadedness.

Here are some of the solutions or ways of reversing hair loss for children discussed:

Food supplements: hair growth in the skin is more like growing crops in the farm. It requires adequate moisture in the form of skin that is supplied through drinking adequate glasses of water. It also requires exposure to warmth. Most importantly is that it has to be provided with the required minerals, vitamins and amino acids. If you have found out that the lack of hair on the child's head is due to the lack of these materials, then you can use supplements.

Wigs: these are the most traditional and now almost old fashioned solution. It however remains that the individual or child who gets a wig would not be feeling happy about it. This is expected on anyone including yourself, how would you feel that you have a solution from a fake! Any way better a fake than nothing. All you may care about is how close to the real thing the wig is and how expensive it is. If you have a no answer to both the points that you care for, then do not bother investing in it. Even more important, is that the child must consent.

Hair replacement: this is not just the usual wig being placed in on the head. It is very close to the real thing. You would not tell that it is an artificial material that has been placed on the child's hair. It is the perfect solution for the child who loses hair due to alopecia that makes dormant hair follicles at birth.

If the above fail, then you may need to consider plastic surgery. This will provide natural skin that can be able to grow hair. Though expensive in most cities, it provides solution and benefits whose value cannot compare to the financial loss.

Related Articles Hair Loss Reviews Children Hair Loss

Solutions For Child Hair Loss - Fast Acting Remedies

Hair Loss Remedies

Read through Best Home Remedies for Hair Loss That Work far more

Hair loss could be disturbing at the same time embarrassing especially on the part of females who have long hairs. It could be caused by various products such as hair moisturizers, shampoos, hair gels, and so on. However, this is not to imply that all of such hair products could cause hair fall, the fact is that it could especially if you have sensitive scalp. There are individuals who are experiencing hair fall or hair loss as an inheritance to their ancestors. If you are suffering from such situations then you could try some natural or home remedies for hair loss.

This way, you could at least be seventy percent certain to avoid harsh side effects of other hair loss remedy products that are usually out in the market. Another thing is that you can also save bucks from using these products. There are eight ways that you can try to get rid of hair loss and develop a healthy and astonishing hair especially for women. First, you can try Yemeni med. Soak fenugreek or Hilba in lukewarm water throughout the night and then massage this liquid on your scalp.

You can also massage an uncooked egg yolk on your scalp and leave it for one hour before you rinse. This suggestion is best for individuals who use to stay at home. Hence if you often go to work then you can try the other remedies such as making use of castor and olive oil on the scalp and hair roots. It is because of the fact that you can do this at night before you go to bed. However, if you did various home remedies for hair loss and yet you can see nothing has changed then it is time for you to seek for advice from experts. This way, you can be very sure with regards to the ways that you are trying to do to prevent this condition.

There are also mild hair products that are out in the market which you can use. The thing is that, you will have to make sure that it could be suitable on you, always keep in mind that a certain product could be mild and helpful to other individuals but not you. In this case, it is very important that you consult an expert first before you try any hair loss products. This is the safest way for you as well as this could also be the fastest way for you to get rid of your present situation.

Read more Home Remedies for Hair Loss. Also know effective Home Remedies for Hair Fall.

Best Home Remedies for Hair Loss That Work

Hair Loss Remedies

Understand Remedy For Hair Loss - Prevent Loosing Your Hair With Natural Substances a lot more

Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar & sage tea to get the hair you have to grow & thicken a bit. A strong infusion of sage tea is made adding a handful of fresh sage or about two fourth cup of dried herb to two cups of boiling water. Continue to boil for two minutes then remove from the stove. Icy this mixture & strain the herb out adding two cup of apple cider vinegar. Place the mixture in the refrigerator & rinse your hair with two cup. The sage tea gives you an added benefit as it will stop any gray hairs from growing.

Hair loss seems to be a gigantic problem in the population today & can affect male or female & young & elderly & is caused by a variety of reasons. Health concerns can cause hair to drop out. Medication being taken can also be the problem or it could be heredity. Remedy for hair loss is sometimes effective to prevent more hair from being lost & what you require to make them can be found about anywhere.

A popular herb to use to battle baldness is Saw Palmetto. This herb cleanses the follicles of hair & helps them to breathe & start to grow. Silica is proven to prevent baldness & stinging nettles is an herb that contains high quantities of this mineral. Saw Palmetto is found near vitamins at the store. It comes loose in some cases but if hard to find get capsules & pull them apart. In a bowl mix on tablespoon saw palmetto & two teaspoons of stinging nettle. In a saucepan bring two cups of water to boil & pour in the herbs. You can also place the herbs in cheesecloth & tie with a string or strain them after they have boiled for two minutes. Icy the mixture & use it as a rinse every day. You can also take saw palmetto capsules daily. Find Stinging nettle juice at the store & drink about two tablespoon mixed in a cup of water. A bi product of testosterone in men is DHT & causes male pattern baldness. These two herbs can rid the method of any DHT in it. An added benefit is that saw palmetto will prevent prostate issues as well.

Use rosemary oil like the Roman's did in order to stimulate the circulation & help oxygen intake in the follicles. Rosemary oil tends to be a tiny expensive so try to extend its use by combining about two drops with two tablespoon of olive oil & rub it vigorously in to the scalp. Leave it on the scalp for a few hours then rinse it out & do this several times per week. The scalp will be cleansed by the rosemary oil & all clogging residue will be banished. You will feel a tingling sensation but it should never burn your head.

Women also can have an issue with baldness & hormones are usually the problem. Take coconut oil & rub it in to the scalp on a daily basis. Coconut oil also conditions the hair & makes it fuller. Some commercial conditioners have coconut oil in them for this reason so make sure to use them regularly.

Bacteria & mites sometimes collect in the hair follicles causing loss of hair & Tea Tree Oil can kill that bacteria & mites. Add olive oil to this oil to make it last & cut down on the smell. The scent is very strong so it is a lovely idea to apply in the evening when you don't have to go anywhere & rinse it out before going to work or school in the morning.

Natural remedies don't work for all people & fighting baldness is no exceptions. There's times when your heredity will take over & nothing you do will help. Hopefully preventative remedies will permit you to keep most of your hair for years to come. They may even help to grow more.

The most important thing to keeping your hair full is to have lovely circulation in the scalp area. Give yourself a lovely head massage in the morning when you get up & in the evening when you go to bed. Lovely circulation will enable you to keep your hair.

Hair Loss Remedies

Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?

John Farikani is an expert on remedy for hair loss.

Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site

Remedy For Hair Loss - Prevent Loosing Your Hair With Natural Substances

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Read Hair Loss - Understanding This Condition much more

Hair Loss - Understanding This Condition

Hair Loss

The best way to find a solution to a problem is by understanding it first. If you are suffering from hair loss, you should discover the causes and your options in treating it. Certainly, the more you know about this particular condition, the better and faster you will be able to treat it. Loss of hair is a condition many are suffering from all over the world but if most of these people spend time to understand this condition, then they wouldn't be struggling.

Hair just like the rest of our body needs vitamins and nutrients to grow. It is the fastest growing tissue in our body, which is composed of a protein called keratin. A strand of hair has three layers starting from the inner to the outer, which are the medulla, the cortex, and the cuticle. Roots are where the growth of hair starts from which is why the most important part of maintaining healthy hair is by taking care of the scalp and the roots.

Loss of hair is actually a natural occurrence as it is expected that you lose approximately 100 hairs daily. So don't be alarmed when you notice a lot of hair fall because it is just normal for hair to do so. These hairs will grow back anyway, which you will notice when you have plenty of short hairs growing on your head. Only when you start losing 50% of your hair is when you are considered to be suffering from hair loss.

There are many reasons as to why loss of hair occurs. In most men, this condition takes place due to hereditary reasons and in some cases, this problem is because of an unhealthy lifestyle caused by bad habits as well as stress. Remember that your hair is a part of your body so if you aren't practicing healthy living, it could affect your hair as well.

Several treatments are also available for treating loss of hair. You can choose from herbal remedies, medications, or surgery. Saw Palmetto is an herbal solution that many find effective in treating this problem. However others find using medications such as Minoxidil or Propecia as a better option. When the condition is severe, you may also want to opt for surgical solutions, which involves transplants of hair plugs.

With understanding hair loss, you shouldn't have any difficulty treating this condition. Whenever you are suffering from anything, it would be wise to learn more about it first so you can treat it the best possible way you can.

Before finding a solution to any condition, you should understand it first. Stop by the Hair Loss site to know more about it and your treatment options.

Study Sudden Hair Loss more

If you notice strands of hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning or some strands entangled in your comb, do not worry. A person looses 80 to 100 hairs each day, and these hairs grow right back. But if you start noticing large clumps of hair instead of a few strands, then you may be suffering from sudden hair loss. The two main reasons of natural sudden hair loss are genes and stress.

The majority of sudden hair loss is due to genetic makeup. Hereditary hair loss happens gradually, but in large chunks. It is passed by either the father or the mother. Studies have suggested that genes causing hair loss coming from the mother?s side has a greater chance of being passed on to the next generation, although this has never been clearly proven.

Psychological stress, trauma in the body, or any stress that leads you to experience hormonal changes or imbalance is also identified as a source of hair loss. Once the changes in the body are normalized, hair growth will return back to normal.

Another cause of sudden hair loss is chemotherapy. Whenever a cancer patient undergoes chemo treatment to fight the spread of cancer, the treatment, unfortunately, also affects healthy hair follicles in the process, which leads to hair loss.

If you experience sudden hair loss, contact your doctor immediately to determine the cause. If no reason for stress is identified and you are not suffering from medication side effects, it could possibly a sign of a disease.

A doctor will administer a blood test to determine if you are experiencing an infection, a deficiency, or hormonal problems. You can opt to purchase all the hair growth products you can get your hands on to try and remedy the sudden hair loss, but the effort would be futile if you are unable to identify the cause of the problem.

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Sudden Hair Loss

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Understand Hair Loss - Nutrition much more

While the problems of male and female pattern baldness are hormonal in nature, nutrition can play a part in the maintenance of a healthy head of hair. In some cases, poor nutrition can directly contribute to hair loss.

Even when hair loss is not the result of poor nutritional habits, such habits can still lead to hair that's in relatively poor shape. Such conditions as lack of luster, dryness, stringiness and even excess shedding can be tied to poor diet and less than the minimum recommended amount and types of vitamins. Examples of this can be seen in those people who go on extreme diets in order to lose weight quickly. The body's systems, including the hair and scalp, are sensitive to and affected by what is eaten.

The best nutritional friend to your healthy head of hair is a well-balanced diet. While it may help to include a little extra of foods and nutrients that are thought to be hair specific, the whole body is best served by a diet that supplies all of its needs in total. So if you want to eat what's best for your hair, good eating habits and a balanced diet are the way to go.

There are those whose eating habits can add to or create hair loss problems. People who suffer from anorexia can lose hair simply because they aren't getting nearly enough of the nutrients needed to sustain hair health, like protein and iron. And since hair is protein based, some vegetarians can have hair loss problems if they aren't getting adequate amounts of protein. There are supplements available to help one avoid this problem.

Also, the B vitamin biotin, another nutrient that may be associated with hair loss can be deficient in those with protein deficiencies. It is however not certain though that a biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss.

Zinc is an important nutrient to consider if your having hair issues or hair loss. If your diet is lacking in zinc, then a zinc supplement, or better yet a multi vitamin and mineral supplement may be called for. Zinc is also important for your immune system and for your body's ability to repair itself. It can be found in most meats, shellfish, lima beans, navy beans, and most legumes, spinach, and in eggs, milk and cheese.

People who go on extended low or no-fat diets can suffer some hair loss. The essential fatty acids in food products containing fat are important to the maintenance of healthy hair. The scalp tends to dry up when the diet is lacking in fatty acids, which can affect follicular health. And iron deficiencies are contributing factors, too. So fad or restrictive diets may reap benefits in terms of skinniness, but they may exact a hair loss toll as well.

B vitamins are thought to be important to the health of hair. Vitamin B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxide) can be taken in supplement form or acquired from eating the right foods. Soybeans, nuts, eggs, peas and beans are all high in these vitamins.

Vitamin E, which is essential to the immune system, is an important nutrient for your hair. Improving immune system functioning may be the answer to hair problems you may be having.

While there are supplements for all of these vitamins, you still derive more benefit from getting them through a healthy and well balanced diet. So if you can, rather than loading up on your nutrients with supplements, eat more fruits and vegetables (especially the green leafy variety) and any nutritionally induced hair loss problems you have should disappear.

Hair Loss

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at

Hair Loss - Nutrition

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Go through Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children more

It's natural for parents to become alarmed when they see locks of their babies hair falling out. Almost all newborns lose some (or all) of their hair during the first six months of life. This is a normal process. In most cases the hair eventually grows back, although the new hair may be a completely different color and texture than at birth!

A common condition, that may cause hair loss in infants is cradle cap. Cradle cap mainly affects infants between the ages of two to six months; causing a crusty, scaling scalp rash. Left untreated, cradle cap often clears up within several months. In severe cases it can cause itching and hair loss, and may also spread to other areas of the body.

Other forms of hair loss affecting infants are rare. They are often congenital in nature and may include hair shaft defects. As the child gets older they become more susceptible to various types of hair loss. After discussing the rare forms of hair loss which can affect infants and children, the more common forms will be addressed.

Congenital Atrichia

With congenital atrichia a child could be born with apparently normal hair; but once it enters the first resting period the hair falls out, and the entire growth process shuts down. In order for hair to grow, certain cells must stay in close contact with each other to transmit and receive signals necessary to keep the hair growth cycle functioning. With this condition the cellular communication gets disconnected, deactivating the hair growth cycle.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

This type of hair loss is most typical in small children with sparse fine hair that can easily be pulled out. It mostly affects girls with light hair. The hair usually does not grow past the nape of the neck. Under a microscope the hairs appear to lack an inner and outer root sheath and have a ruffled cuticle.

Triangular Alopecia

This is a pattern of hair loss that occurs in the temporal area on one or both sides and is usually in a triangular shape. The absence of hair in this area is present at birth or just after. It is permanent and irreversible but is not progressive. The shape and size of the bald area remains the same throughout lifetime.

Pili Torti

This condition can be congenital or acquired. It is most common in girls who have thin blonde hair. There is a rigid twisting of the hair fibers which leads to fractures in the cuticle and internal cortex layer of the hair shaft. The hair is dry and brittle and may stand out from the scalp. It breaks off at varying lengths.


This is a rare condition that begins in infancy. Although the infant is born with what appears to be normal vellus hair, it is soon replaced with dry, brittle hair that has a beaded appearance. The hair often breaks off even with the scalp and seldom grows longer than 2.5 cm.

Uncombable Hair Syndrome

Children with this syndrome usually have silvery blonde glass-like hair that is unruly and won't lie flat. It is difficult or impossible to comb. Because of its appearance it is also called "spun-glass hair." The hair stands away from the scalp in a disorderly fashion. Microscopic evaluation reveals a triangular (or kidney bean) shaped hair shaft with longitudinal grooving. Spontaneous improvement is often seen in later in adolescence.

The following types of hair loss are common in children aged four and older.


Contrary to its name ringworm does not come from a worm but is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophyte. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through other people or animals. It is mostly seen on children between 4 and 11 years old. It usually begins as a small pimple that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of baldness with an outline shaped like a ring. The hair often becomes brittle and breaks off very close to the scalp causing what is referred to as "black dot alopecia." Ringworm is also referred to as tinea capitis.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder which causes the hair to fall out in patches with well defined margins. The onset of alopecia areata is most common in children between four and seven years old but it can strike anybody at anytime. Alopecia areata can progress to alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis affecting total scalp and body hair.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia occurs from sustained tension on the scalp due to tightly pulled hairstyles. Prolonged traction causes hair to loosen from its follicular roots. Cheerleaders, dancers and other children who routinely wear these types of hairstyles are at risk. Also at risk are those who wear hair extensions-which are becoming consistently more popular. Prolonged persistent traction can cause permanent hair loss.


Trichotillomania can be translated from Greek to mean a "manic desire to pluck out one's own hair." It is an impulse control disorder that often starts in childhood. A person with this disorder will feel an overwhelming urge to pull out his or her hair. This urge causes an extreme amount of tension which continues to build until the hair is pulled.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss causes more hair than usual to retreat into the resting phase. This can be a reaction to any disturbance in the body as hair is very sensitive to changes. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and easily corrected once the problem is identified and addressed. Any type of illness, surgery or trauma can cause temporary diffuse hair loss.


Any medication can cause hair loss, even if it is not listed as a symptom. Psychopharmaceutical medications which are becoming more commonly prescribed to adolescents are known to cause hair loss in some people. Acne medications derived from vitamin A can cause hair loss. Some anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medicines list hair loss as a side effect. Any hormonal medication such as birth control pills or steroids can cause hair loss.

Bacterial Infections

Certain bacteria and other microorganism can infect the scalp causing inflammation and hair loss. Hair loss from scalp infections may be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of damage.

Eating Disorders

Hair loss can be a symptom of any eating disorder such as anorexia nervous or bulimia.


Hair loss often occurs during times of hormonal changes. Some hair loss may occur during puberty.


There have been reports of hair loss as an adverse side effect of vaccinations, mostly associated with the hepatitis B vaccine and mostly affecting females.

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Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children

Read Stress Related Hair Loss extra

One of the reasons for your recent hair loss may be due to stress. They are related. Hair loss is a by product of excessive and intensive physical or emotional Stress. When you are going through a stressful event or period, you may begin to notice that your hair starts to thin and eventually hair loss occurs. In such instances, the hair follicles will stop growing prematurely when the body system incorrectly treats the hair follicles as foreign tissues, thus resulting in thinning of hair and eventually dropping out.

Types of Hair Loss

There are 2 types of stress related hair loss.

1. The scientific term for the more common type of hair loss is called "telogen effluvium". This type of hair loss prevents the hair from growing and the hair growing process remains dormant for a period or 3-6 months. After which, usually by in a period of 6-9 months, there is a high possibility that the hair will starts to grow back once the single event stress is over. In other cases the hair loss will continue until the stress is fixed.

2. A second and more serious stress related hair loss is known by the scientific name "alopecia areata". It actually involves the white blood cell attacking the hair follicles, so much so that the hair falls out by large quantity. This could start with a small patch anywhere on your head (it does not necessary starts from the forehead) and ultimately spreads to the entire scalp.

While your hair may grow back on both occasions, it may require additional treatment.
Stress related hair loss is a sure sign that your health or body is unable to withstand the excessive stress.

Stresses Relating to Hair Loss

The following stresses may be one of the causes for hair loss:

a. Disease (such as thyroid gland infection, lupus disorders, diabetes, anaemia)

b. Poor-nutrition. (Especially if your diet contain insufficient of iron and/or protein)

c. Side effects of medications or treatments

d. Emotional Stress (work, lifestyle)

e. Scalp infection.

Whatever the underlying causes are for stress related hair loss, the condition will continue until the cause has been treated or eliminated. Exercises, meditation, yoga and change of job or environment, while common, are the most effective cure to stress related hair loss. The others being medication which may help one relax and stay calm. Understanding the cause of stress related hair loss is important and should lead to finding the cure if not total prevention.

Hair Loss

Adam Able is a trained Health Coach and a certified Nutritionist. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida and can be reached at his Men's Health Blog [] or you can email him at

Stress Related Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Understand Male Leg Hair Loss - Treatment For Male Leg Hair Loss far more

Hair Loss

Male leg hair loss is similar to that of normal male pattern hair loss. Male leg hair loss is usually the result of an excess of testosterone or a poor diet. Male leg hair loss can be prevented or treated fairly easily as long as you take the right precautions and follow my advice. This advice could be the one thing that can help you finally deal with this problem once and for all. With this taken care of you can start dealing with other important things in your life that should be taking up more of your time. This can make your life so much better once you deal with your hair problem and get it out-of-the-way.

1. If you have male hair problems then you should start eating plenty of protein. The more protein you eat the better. Why does eating protein help male leg hair loss? Good question. The reason is that protein helps to strengthen your hair and give you more of a chance of keeping the hair you have now. The kinds of food that have lots of protein are chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and beans. You can make your diet very healthy by eating lots of kidney beans. Plus, with your diet being better you will be much more healthy in general and being killing two birds with one stone.

2. Every day you should take vitamins to help against male leg hair problems. If you don't take your vitamins then you are giving your body more of a chance to let go of valuable nutrients that help to grow your hair. You can find good vitamins in your pharmacy. If you're confused about which ones to get then you can ask your doctor or any pharmacist. They should be really happy to help you with this problem as it is a lot more common than you probably think. You should never be ashamed to ask these kinds of questions to your doctor because you can be sure that they hear a lot more strange stuff every day.

3. Drink plenty of water to help keep your body hydrated. Water can help your body deal with bad things that you eat throughout the day. If your hair is dry and lacks nutrients then it is more likely to fall out. You should drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Does that mean only water? No, if you are battling with male leg hair loss then you can drink your water in the form of juice, coffee, and even cola. Of course the best way to take it in is water, because we all know that cola and coffee are not good for your whole body. Just be smart and you should be able to take in enough fluids throughout the day to help with your male leg hair loss.

Of course hair loss is a very complicated and serious issue. For more information about a Hair Loss Cure please visit us at

Male Leg Hair Loss - Treatment For Male Leg Hair Loss

Hair Loss