Go through Honest Answers About Hair Loss Remedies much more

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Finding honest answers about hair loss remedies is not the easiest thing to do. This area is filled with deception and misleading claims about hair loss remedies that sometimes weave themselves into the fiber of truth over time. To avoid being duped you need to know a few facts. In this article titled "Honest Answers About Hair Loss Remedies" we will walk through what is a normal hair cycle, exposure what can interrupt it, and then provide you with information about a balding and thinning remedy that just might help reverse your loss or hair.

The average man or women starts out with an amazingly dense population of scalp hairs estimated at 100,000 with each sprouting from a sac like pouch called a follicle. A complete hair cycle consists of two major steps: the all important growth phase, which lasts four to six years, and the resting phase, which lasts about 90 days. After, completing the cycle the hair falls out.

Each and every day a person loses between 50 and 150 hairs. Under normal circumstances most are replaced and no balding or thinning is seen but this precarious balance can change in an instant leading to serious and sometimes irreversible hair loss. Examples of things that can tip the balance are hormones, childbirth, chemotherapy, crash dieting, surgery, a traumatic event, anemia, autoimmune disorders, or serious illness. In most cases once the causative factor is eliminated hair regrowth takes place, but there are exceptions with the most notable being hormone driven androgenetic alopecia.

Androgenetic alopecia is the poster child for balding and is responsible for about eight of ten cases. In fact its signs are so common and readily identified that the individual might as well stamp androgenetic alopecia on their scalp as kind of a badge of honor. But not on our watch!

Honest answer about hair loss remedies

The first step in finding a hair loss remedy is to identify the cause. If you find it is lifestyle issue, a drug interaction, any anything else which you could be doing, step number one is to modify or change that behavior. Changing your actions or eliminating the causative factor is the best and most affordable regrowth remedy to be found. On the other hand if the answer to your balding and thinning hair is male or female pattern balding you have a much more serious problem.

Male or female pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) is a progressive condition driven by the balding and thinning hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). For this condition to be reversed a regrowth remedy must be found that will block or reduce the production of this powerful hair loss hormone. Talking to your doctor or gathering more information are both very good ways to go about this.

What Next? As discussed above male or female pattern baldness are progressive and the balding and thinning incurred will not reverse itself on its own. Currently there are a handful of hair loss remedies specifically designed to address DHT driven balding. Not only do they contain FDA approved ingredients which have been shown to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but they also work to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. These hair loss remedies can be used as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use them after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp. The important thing is to take action before you reach the land of no return where transplant surgery becomes your only hair loss remedy.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase Remedies.com

Honest Answers About Hair Loss Remedies

Female Hair Loss Remedies