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A natural hair loss remedy for curing symptoms of alopecia happens to be the treatment of onion and garlic juice.

In fact, onion is a natural hair loss remedy that has been tried and tested down the generations not just for its hair strengthening potential, but also for its medicinal properties.

The truth is: in the Middle Ages, physicians prescribed onions to negate the effects of snake bites, ear aches, hair loss as well as head aches.

Onion has Sulfur, the Healing Agent

Onion is prescribed as a natural hair loss remedy due to its sulfur content. The latter is a healing agent as this mineral stimulates the circulation of blood as well as reduces inflammations in the skin.

It is also known as the mineral for enhancing beauty as it assists in the development of collagen, the major source of protein for the skin which is thus made smooth and durable.

The nails and hair are also maintained in excellent condition. The appropriate sulfur levels in our body reduce hair loss and stimulate its re-growth.

In case you need to spot deficiency of sulfur in the body, you need to be watchful of dry skin, and brittle nails and hair. Other sulfur deficiency symptoms may include the following:

Head aches
Sore joints and muscles

Hence, as a natural hair loss remedy, it is important that the very first thing we ought to remember is that our body receives a healthy diet that provides the body with the appropriate sulfur levels.

Scientific research and study has discovered that the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers do away with the sulfur levels in the soil.

More than that, with the consumption of processed foods on the rise, the foods are gradually being laden with lesser sulfur quantities and as the mineral cannot be manufactured by the human body it must be obtained through external process, by consuming sulfur rich foods and supplements.

Natural Hair Loss Remedy: Apply Onion on your Scalp

If you are suffering from hair loss, the cheapest as well as easiest method for benefiting is by applying onion juice directly on the scalp, as onion is the best supplier of sulfur which strengthens hair.

According to a study conducted in 2002, topical onion extracts are effective against alopecia areata and almost 73% of the people have been said to benefit from the results.

What should you do?

Take a chopped medium onion and add it to a cup of rum. Let it stay for 24 hours and strain the mixture with a sieve. Massage the liquid on to your scalp

Mix half cup chopped onions and half dried stinging nettle, and to it add enough vodka. After a few days, sieve it and apply on scalp

Mix quarter cups of onion juice with a tablespoon raw honey, and massage on scalp daily

Onion as a natural hair loss remedy can be used in other treatments like adding an onion slice directly on the scalp before applying honey.

Hair Loss Remedies

David Lebowe is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural hair care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, natural hair care products [] he recommends after extensive research: []

Home Remedies For Curing Baldness

Hair Loss Remedies