Examine Hair Loss Tips a lot more

Hair Loss Tips

Female Hair Loss Remedies


If your hair is coming out in clumps, or you notice circular patches or balding spots,then there is almost definitely a problem, and the treatment will be based on a specific cause.

You should look at the following causes:

1. A unbalanced diet, e.g not enough protein in you diet.
2. The Menopause, changes to your hormone balance.
3. Frequent shampooing, the lather ingredient in some shampoo's, is called a surfactant, this can irritate the scalp, and cause itching and scratching.
4. Improper care, e.g excessive colour treatments, blow drying,curling tongs, etc, will cause stress to the hair.
5. Also any underlying medical conditions, of which you should seek the advice of a specialist.


All hair loss products could be considered natural, but by definition, a natural remedy refers to any product that can be found in nature, that has not been altered or treated in any way before it's use.

Essential oils for example are extracted from various plants, and these massaged into the scalp are suggested to assist the circulation and follicle stimulation.

Exercise in any form increases and improves blood circulation to all parts of the body including the scalp.

If you are losing your hair, then the process does not only affect the way you look, it also affects the way you feel about yourself.

If you are interested in slowing down the the process of male and female baldness, and stimulating new hair growth, then you must see the fantastic results that have been published.

For more information try: [http://www.no-more-baldy.com]