Study Hair Loss: Separating Fact From Fiction much more

There's lots of frustration in regards to identifying what causes hair thinning. A big part of it is due to loosely related assumptions concerning genetics and having a "predisposition" to balding. This degree of confusion is frequently perpetuated from the simple misunderstanding of how hair naturally grows, sheds, and regrows (as many folks error the phase for hair loss). An immense amount of anxiety and concern underscores the notion of losing one's hair, spurring the making of half-truths and urban myths to account for the phenomenon. This article has been created to sort truth from fiction and that will help you learn more about what causes hair loss.

Hair Loss is Genetic.
This fantasy is simply part false. Yes, a lot of people are pre-disposed to hair loss due to a condition known as androgenetic alopecia. But, genetics are not the only factor at play in regards to hair thinning in women and men. In fact, research tells us that any number of variables can impact one's predisposition to hair loss, including: Hormonal changes, total diet, lifestyle, tension, and sudden emotional or physical trauma.

If my mom's dad is bald, I will be too.
This myth comes from the information the X chromosome contains one of many genes for male-pattern hair loss. Many think that the "baldness gene" is something that might be handed from the mother's side of the family, since men get the X chromosome from their mother. As described above, however, there are several factors that can affect one's predisposition to hair loss. The genetics of your mother's father is just one of many, and it is not a definite indicator of whether or not you will go bald.

One signal that you are going bald is shedding at night.
This "myth" might be true or false, depending on how much hair is located on the pillow. Quick hair thinning, or shedding, could be a sign of balding. But, it may also by way of a consequence of your hair's normal growth pattern if it is minimal. To acquire a better notion of the seriousness of the shedding, attempt the "Hair Pull Test." Grab a clump of 50 to 100 hairs and hold it with the thumb and index finger. Then, gently but firmly pull away from the scalp using a stable degree of traction. You have nothing to concern yourself with, if 2-5 locks are received via the Hair Pull Test. If, however, 10-20 hairs are obtained in this way, it could be a sign that hair loss symptoms are setting in.

Hats damage hair and cause hair loss.
This myth is 100% false. First, wearing a hat doesn't damage the hair follicle. At the opposite extreme, individuals might wonder if sun exposure causes hair thinning by damaging the scalp. This idea is also false. Therefore, take pleasure in the warm sun-research really shows healthy amounts of exposure might strengthen the immune system by causing all-natural vitamin D production!

Brushing, combing, or styling your hair too much will make it fall out.
Fake. None of these activities are known to cause loss of hair or shedding, although hair may naturally fall-out and collect on your own comb/brush throughout the process. This can be a area of the hair growth cycle, and it's completely normal.

I will keep my hair if I'm a healthy eater.
Eating a diet that is full of vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients is essential in maintaining over all physical and mental health. Because of this, it is recommended that men and women of all ages just take proactive measures towards "eating well." However, no specific food groups or vitamin supplements have now been clinically demonstrated to prevent hair loss.

In closing, men and women who are concerned with the loss of their hair must remember one important fact: Myths are often the result of fear and misunderstanding. Proactively research such topics to separate fact from fiction, and relieve yourself of the anxiety that false ideas create. For additional information on hair loss and hair restoration, visit authoritative organizations to read more about studies and clinical trials.

Hair Loss

The article has been written by David Levine on behalf of the Hair Transplant Institute of Miami. For additional information on hair loss, readers are invited to visit authorities like the Miami Hair Blog and the ISHRS.

Hair Loss: Separating Fact From Fiction