Study Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work much more

Hair Loss Remedies

Let's face it over the last 4000 years where the battle against balding has been chronicled hair loss home remedies have been the treatment of choice. Every culture seems to have its own idea as what will really makes the balding stop and regrow those long lost follicles. Among the more unusual ideas I have run across lately are placing raw mango pulp in some oil for a year and then apply to the scalp. The part about holding your nose was conveniently left out. And what about this romance busting treatment that suggest scrubbing the bald portion of your scalp with an onion until it becomes red and then applying honey. I suspect the favorite for those desperately needing a day off from work.

While the above hair loss home remedies have apparently worked for at least one person who obviously didn't have much of a social life to start with, there are other hair loss home remedies which are more main stream and backed by supporting research. Let's explore a few of these.

*Saw Palmetto: At least for me saw palmetto has shown some marginal results in halting the natural balding process. While research has yet to determine exactly how it works it is widely believed that it blocks the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is primary androgen hormone driving androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness). My experience is that after about 3 months a difference in the way your hair feels and looks will become fairly obvious. I have also found that by combining a topical formula designed to stimulate growth with saw palmetto it seems to magnify the benefits.

*Nettle Root Extract: Saw palmetto is not suggested for men thus many hair loss home remedies for women include nettle root extract instead. This herb has been used in Europe for years and many naturopaths believe it to be more effective in blocking DHT than saw palmetto. It is also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and beneficial lipids that are useful in achieving hair health.

*Aloe Vera Extract: Aloe is well known for its healing abilities but most don't know that it has been used for hundreds of years to prevent balding and encourage healthy hair growth. It seems to be particularly helpful where scalp injuries such as burns are concerned. It also seems to be useful in instances where scalp pH is in question. 

*Pumpkin Seed Oil: So you thought that Halloween pumpkin was worthless once the celebration was over! While there is no firm evidence to suggest pumpkin seed oil promotes hair regrowth there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that is an excellent hair conditioner and may stimulate growth.

*Jojoba Oil: A number of shampoos now contain this obscure sounding oil but did you known that American Indians in the southwestern United States used jojoba oil as a hair loss home remedy over 200 years ago. It is particularly useful in cases of hypoallergenic skin because of its moisturizing and hypoallergenic qualities.

In summary, we have tried to give you the hair loss home remedies that are relatively main stream while staying away from the bizarre. While each ingredient above may produce results on their own often times the best results are seen when they are used in combination. There are currently a handful of affordable hair regrowth products on the market which contain most or all of the above listed home remedies for hair loss that could be worth investigating.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work

Hair Loss Remedies