Hair Loss - Understanding This Condition
Hair LossThe best way to find a solution to a problem is by understanding it first. If you are suffering from hair loss, you should discover the causes and your options in treating it. Certainly, the more you know about this particular condition, the better and faster you will be able to treat it. Loss of hair is a condition many are suffering from all over the world but if most of these people spend time to understand this condition, then they wouldn't be struggling.
Hair just like the rest of our body needs vitamins and nutrients to grow. It is the fastest growing tissue in our body, which is composed of a protein called keratin. A strand of hair has three layers starting from the inner to the outer, which are the medulla, the cortex, and the cuticle. Roots are where the growth of hair starts from which is why the most important part of maintaining healthy hair is by taking care of the scalp and the roots.
Loss of hair is actually a natural occurrence as it is expected that you lose approximately 100 hairs daily. So don't be alarmed when you notice a lot of hair fall because it is just normal for hair to do so. These hairs will grow back anyway, which you will notice when you have plenty of short hairs growing on your head. Only when you start losing 50% of your hair is when you are considered to be suffering from hair loss.
There are many reasons as to why loss of hair occurs. In most men, this condition takes place due to hereditary reasons and in some cases, this problem is because of an unhealthy lifestyle caused by bad habits as well as stress. Remember that your hair is a part of your body so if you aren't practicing healthy living, it could affect your hair as well.
Several treatments are also available for treating loss of hair. You can choose from herbal remedies, medications, or surgery. Saw Palmetto is an herbal solution that many find effective in treating this problem. However others find using medications such as Minoxidil or Propecia as a better option. When the condition is severe, you may also want to opt for surgical solutions, which involves transplants of hair plugs.
With understanding hair loss, you shouldn't have any difficulty treating this condition. Whenever you are suffering from anything, it would be wise to learn more about it first so you can treat it the best possible way you can.
Before finding a solution to any condition, you should understand it first. Stop by the Hair Loss site to know more about it and your treatment options.