Study Revealed - How to Prevent Female Hair Loss much more

Revealed - How to Prevent Female Hair Loss

Female Hair Loss Remedies

Tell me, does this describe you: a beautiful, vibrant woman suffering from female hair loss?

Don't despair, you are not the only one, in fact you are one of millions of women who have to deal with this problem on a day to day basis. It may surprise you to know that almost 40% of the people suffering from a loss of hair across the United States of America are women.

There are a flood of products on the market to address the needs of men; women, however, need different nutrients and ingredients as female hair loss is caused by slightly different hormones.

There are many causes for female hair loss, which include using a lot of hair care products, treatments and hair dyes which are full of artificial chemicals. You can also be affected by severe shocks that affect your body like a birth, illness, or just stress.

Treatments Available

There are many options in terms of remedies on the market; the question is how to find the right one for you without spending your life in front of the computer searching. A fast approach is to investigate the side effects that they bring to decide what would be acceptable to you.

For example, minoxidil 5% is a chemical used to help you re-grow your hair. This chemical is used in the well known Rogaine branded hair remedy. Minoxidil has a proven track record of success, but comes with side effects such as itchy flaky scalp, swelling in your face and more worryingly sexual problems and breathing difficulties.

As an alternative you could have hair transplant surgery. This can be very expensive, painful and can come with some other side effects.

Avoiding the Side Effects

Then you can try the alternative natural solutions, which are made from herbs, minerals and vitamins and that work in harmony with your body. People have long used natural treatments for a variety of conditions including stopping female hair loss.

These natural remedies have been around way before pharmaceutical drugs or hair transplants.

The best approach to curing female hair loss is to eat a healthy diet, exercise, drink pure water, and to really boost your bodies healing powers try a completely natural treatment.

If you're interested in getting more information on female hair loss and the best natural treatments available, visit my website, where I share what natural products are safe, and effective.

Jill Carnduff is a researcher of hair loss issues affecting both men and women, to learn about a new, natural hair loss remedy and how it compares to other common hair loss treatment options, visit the website: