Front Hair Loss
Hair LossFrontal hair loss can be a frustrating problem for both men and women of any age. While most consider this form of losing hair a problem for older men, it actually afflicts people of all ages. If balding is caught early, the chances of successfully stopping loss and promoting hair growth go up quite a bit. Once a significant amount of hair thinning or loss, the best option is usually simply living with the issue or choosing a form of hair replacement.
Who Suffers From Frontal Hair Loss?
Unfortunately, there is no population that is completely immune to hair loss. Male pattern baldness can strike men at any age, and a variety of other issues can turn into a risk for both men and women who are not predisposed genetically to male pattern baldness. Genetic frontal baldness can start becoming noticeable as early as age 20 for up to a quarter of those who will eventually be effected. Over three quarters of all men and half of all women will be effected by frontal baldness to some extent eventually.
The majority of those who suffer from frontal hair loss have a genetic predisposition to pattern baldness. The gene associated with this type of baldness generally effects men much more than women. Some frontal baldness can occur due to the long term pull from wearing a ponytail, and other types of frontal baldness issues can occur due to medical issues and drug side effects.
• Receding Hairline - One of the first signs that many people will notice when they start to loose hair in front is the receding hairline that comes alongside frontal hair loss. While the early signs of hairline change are quite subtle, regular pictures can indicate a small difference that is almost always an early sign of hair loss.
• Hair Lost While Brushing - One should loose something between 50 hairs and 150 hairs every time they brush their hair. Pay attention to how much hair usually comes out with each brushing, and consider it the sign of a problem if the amount goes up significantly for a sustained period of time.
• Hair Loss At The Top - The first place most will loose hair is right on top, at the scalp. It can be difficult to keep an eye on the scalp without specific effort, so this baldness is usually unnoticeable until it gets pretty drastic. Checking in a mirror once every week or so is a simple way to catch a thinned scalp.
Treatment Options
It is generally much easier to keep the hair that is already present than to regrow hair that has been permanently lost. There are several drugs available on the market that can be purchased either over the counter or through a doctor that are proven successful in fighting frontal hair loss and occasionally regrowing some lost hair. Stress reduction can slow hair loss for some people, especially when combined with healthy eating and supplements.
Michael Stanford is a freelance writer in the nutritional industry. He has contributed research on many of the top frontal hair loss supplements available today, as well as serving as a consultant to the supplement industry for the past four years.